Healthy Eating During Menopause

Older Adults, Nutrition & fitness / Sanitas Medical Center

Healthy Eating During Menopause

Weight Gain with Menopause

  • Due to lowering hormone levels and the natural aging process, many women find it harder to keep extra pounds off in their 40s and 50s. Often women lose muscle and gain fat, mainly in the belly area. Lifestyle factors come into play, too — menopausal women tend to be less active and eat more calories than they may need. 

Health Risks Associated with Menopausal Weight Gain

  • Weight gain can be related to health issues including high cholesterol, high blood pressure and insulin resistance (a condition in which your body cannot use insulin correctly, which can lead to diabetes). 

Avoiding a "Midlife Metabolic Crisis"

  • Be physically active via daily activities, not just exercise. 
  • Take the stairs; park further away from your destination; garden; or dance. Aim for strength-building exercises at least 2x/wk, which can replace lost muscle mass, and help slow mineral loss in your bones which can lead to osteoporosis. Exercise/physical activity should be fun! 

Eat Well

  • Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, full fat dairy products and lean protein foods like beans and lentils have nutrients you need and should make up most meals & snacks. If you drink alcohol, limit yourself to 1 drink/day. Hot flashes? Try cutting back on caffeine & spicy foods, which can trigger hot flashes in some. 

Drink plenty of water

  • Water helps move fiber through your system, keeps you hydrated and may mitigate hot flashes. Remember that fruits and vegetables are loaded with water, and health-boosting nutrients, too. 

Motivational Quote: "If the opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." - Milton Be

Conclusion: For women, menopause is a reality check that your body is changing.   Eating well and being physically active will make this midlife transition easier