5 tips to help you live with chronic pain
Doctor's advice, Older Adults /

From time to time everyone feels some kind of pain in their body. Pain isn't always bad, sometimes it is normal. But when you continuously use your body for work, when you suffer an injury, when you are doing repetitive movement, and even when you do extremem exercise, pain could be your body's way of telling you that something wrong is going.
When we talk about Chronic pain, it is different from Acute pain, and you have to give it special attention. Chronic pain can be caused by an injury or a disease; and it may limit your mobility and reduce your strength and flexibility in your body.
Some types of chronic pain are: Neuropathic pain and Nociceptive pain.
Neuropathic pain, also called Nerve Pain, is the result of nerve damage or a disease affecting the nervous system. Some common causes of this type of pain included diabetes, thyroid problems, among others; and some symptoms may included burning pain and tingling.
Nociceptive pain refers to a pain caused by an injury to body tissues. It can be caused by spraining your ankle, by experiencing extreme temperatures like touching a hot stove, fractures, and other similiar injuries. Symptoms may include numbness, and extreme sensitivity to touch.
Here are 5 tips to help you live and deal with chronic pain:
1. Practice deep breathing and mediation: It will improve your health by reducing the stress and anxiety in your body, and strengthening your immune system, lowering cholesterol levels and reducing your blood pressure.
2. Exercise and reduce the stress: As previously mentioned, it is extremely important to control the stress in your body and mind. The best way to do this is by exercising regularly. This helps lower your blood pressure, and to strengthen your heart and muscles.
3. Do not smoke or consume alcohol in excess: When you smoke and consume alcohol in excess, it can lead to serious health problems, also lead to the development of chronic diseases.
4. Join a support group: Participating in a support group could be a helpful tool in your recovery. It is an opportunity to be with people who are likely to understand one another, and have a common purpose.
5. Eat healthy: Healthier food choices result in a better quality of life. It is important to include healthy food in your diet, like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meats, poultry, fish and nuts. A healthy diet can help you fight infections, inflammation, and improve your energy levels.
If you are experiencing pain for weeks, months, or even years it is possible that you are suffering from chronic pain. If the pain intensifies or lasts for a long time, it is recommended that you visit a doctor.